Rocket City Draft Tournament 2025
Welcome to the Rocket City Draft Tournament! We are excited to be building off of our success from last year and growing to accommodate more players and local businesses. Last year’s tournament consisted of 8 teams, representing 4 bars and 4 breweries in the Huntsville area. This year the plan is to grow to 12 teams, 6 bars and breweries. To make this happen, we have decided to split the tournament into 2 divisions (Upper and Lower). The Upper Division will aim to be around the same speed as last year’s tournament. Think Huntsville B League on average. The aim for the Lower Division will be closer to a Huntsville C League on average (C1 and C2 combined). Depending on the sign-ups, we will do our best to ensure the right people are in the right division.
Another factor that has come into play is ice reservations have gone up in cost and some of the amenities are going up, which results in a higher fee for the players. We are diligently working to find sponsorships to help lower the costs for players in the future.
With the changes to the tournament structure, the draft will still be at the defending champion’s brewery (Yellowhammer Brewery) on September 19th with the Lower Division Draft taking place before the Upper Division Draft. More Details to Follow.
Half of the games will be Live Streamed by your favorite commentators!
Tournament Registration Includes:
5 Games (15 minute - Run-Clock)
Jersey + Socks
1 Beverage / Game
Additional Amenities:
Food Trucks at the Rink
“Event Zone” (i.e. Purple Cup Zone) for the Weekend
other perks TBD.